Are external links good for SEO

Are external links good for SEO - Now quite a lot of blogger friends who are afraid to install external link in the article for fear of external links may interfere with optimization blog. So I will try to discuss this in accordance with my opinion.

technical seo

Effect of External Links In SEO

What is the authoritative site on the link out?
Is the authoritative website which has a worldwide reputation, or at least a national reputation, so this is websites that people often referenced when discussing a topic on the site without the need to refer to the site itself.

Examples of the reference site Wikipedia, now you can do it like that, if the article has a statement you make other people then it would be much better to use the source link statement.

But if you are still confused then you can look for information on google with short keywords according to the topics you discussed in the article. And notice what sites displayed by Google, This at least can ensure the relevance of that page as you use external links. And whether it's authoritative pages high? please note whether the level of visitors and how the article discusses the level of focus.

Is External Links to Reduce Points page?
Obviously not, you do not need to be afraid if the link out it will reduce the points on your page, because the page points you earned from your kesitus characteristics of incoming links, not the characteristics of outbound links.

So you need to consider your point is not decreasing, but increasing the points of competitors you.But if you consider your competitors are more powerful, such as Wikipedia and was ranked second is enough for you. even though it is not impossible to rank one, then you can put a link out to the high authority sites. It will make you earn extra points for your own pages because Google thinks the page External Link providing highly qualified for the visitors. I can see that you are supporting a web page that is also believed by a Google search.

So hopefully the authoritative overview of the site you can understand it clearly. But you have to consider it carefully, if it will make the competition even harder to gain your point or even more visible.
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